4 research outputs found

    Implementation and Maintenance of the Land Parcel Identification System in Bulgaria

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    JRC had been active in Bulgaria since the pre-accession period in providing technical assistance to the Bulgarian administration on the implementation of IACS-LPIS. This report came as a follow-up to the request of the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture for technical assistance. The main objective is to review the current status of the LPIS, to monitor the current program of update and to identify potential problems. Since LPIS is related to other components of IACS issues concerning the interoperability of different data are also discussed.JRC.G.3-Agricultur

    Guidelines for Best Practice and Quality Checking of Ortho Imagery

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    For almost 10 years JRC's ¿Guidelines for Best Practice and Quality Control of Ortho Imagery¿ has served as a reference document for the production of orthoimagery not only for the purposes of CAP but also for many medium-to-large scale photogrammetric applications. The aim is to provide the European Commission and the remote sensing user community with a general framework of the best approaches for quality checking of orthorectified remotely sensed imagery, and the expected best practice, required to achieve good results. Since the last major revision (2003) the document was regularly updated in order to include state-of-the-art technologies. The major revision of the document was initiated last year in order to consolidate the information that was introduced to the document in the last five years. Following the internal discussion and the outcomes of the meeting with an expert panel it was decided to adopt as possible a process-based structure instead of a more sensor-based used before and also to keep the document as much generic as possible by focusing on the core aspects of the photogrammetric process. Additionally to any structural changes in the document new information was introduced mainly concerned with image resolution and radiometry, digital airborne sensors, data fusion, mosaicking and data compression. The Guidelines of best practice is used as the base for our work on the definition of technical specifications for the orthoimagery. The scope is to establish a core set of measures to ensure sufficient image quality for the purposes of CAP and particularly for the Land Parcel Identification System (PLIS), and also to define the set of metadata necessary for data documentation and overall job tracking.JRC.G.3-Agricultur

    LPIS Workshop: 'LPIS applications and quality', Sofia (Bulgaria), 17-18 September, 2008

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    This report contains overview of annual workshop on Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) which took place in Sofia (Bulgaria), 17-18th of September, 2008. The workshop is targeted the technological responsible persons from the member state administrations. This year workshop ¿LPIS applications and quality¿ aimed to identify and discuss the key technological issues and examples of solutions that are relevant for operating a LPIS in the environment of administration and control system for direct payments to the European farmers in the framework of the CAP. The topics covered during the workshop included: geomatics aspects of the LPIS; data quality issues with a focus on quality management and quality policy; interaction of LPIS applications with control process and monitoring of the rural development measures; country status reports, in particular focusing on ¿lessons learnt¿ during completion of LPIS in Bulgaria and Romania as well as pilot project of LPIS creation in Croatia.JRC.G.3-Agricultur

    Best Practice and Quality Checking of Ortho Imagery - Toward a Common Approach

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    One of the primary sources of reference information for the update of any administrative, cadastral or thematic-related spatial dataset is orthoimagery produced either from airborne or spaceborne sensors. Althought the classical methods for processing and validation of remote sensing data are well established and provide straigthforward approach, the rapid introduction of digital airborn imaging systems in the market poses new challenges with respect to the implementation of standartized approach for production and quality control. The ¿Guidelines for Best Practice and Quality Checking of Ortho Imagery¿ document, developed by GeoCAP team of Agriculture Unit, JRC, aimed to provide the European Commission and the remote sensing user community with a general framework of the best approaches for quality checking of orthorectified remotely sensed imagery, and the expected best practice, required to achieve good results. These guidelines were used as a core reference document in the Control with Remote Sensing Program of the European Commission, supporting the Common Agriculture Policy. In this respect, they apply to digital orthoimagery products, generated from either film cameras or digital instruments, on both airborne or satellite platforms, used in the management, monitoring and control of agricultural subsidies and to some degree (particularly very high spatial resolutions) large scale mapping or cadastre applications. In 2007, a revision of these guidelines, was initiated in order to incoprorate the new sensors and techologies emerged (for example, the airborne digital cameras) and to make the document more generic, consolidating all the changes and ammendments done in the last years. Attention was given to the important and common steps in the photogrammetric process, and to the definition of quality control checks (ISO compliant), which are clear to understand and easy to apply. The work for the revision and optimization of the JRC Guidelines could be valuable also for the elaboration of the specification for orthoimagery on Pan-European level in the frame of INSPIRE.JRC.G.3-Agricultur